I am a maker, an inventor, a creator. I tinker and redesign things that aren't particularly broken but have many flaws..making them as close to perfect as they can possibly be.
I didn't get to this point on my own, for all the people who have mentored and influenced me over the years, given me advice, and pushed me forward in a direction that I wasn't always sure where I was going.
This is my thanks to each and every one of you.
This is in no particular order, but I have to take a little time to give thanks where it is due, each of these people have impacted my life in a positive way.
My Family - Your unending support for me and my dreams over the years knowing the whole time that working for someone else forever just isn't for me. Something about a level of panache and moxie that is simply unrivaled...a Utility Patent for this tool design later and we're now rolling full speed with no end in sight.
Bradford Herrick - After many years of friendship and bouncing ideas and problems I'm facing off of your extremely experienced mind and hands I've finally made it to this point. Without your guidance none of this would have been possible. I value your friendship more than you may ever know, your knowledge and experience is simply infinite. I can't thank you enough. To everyone reading this, Check out his website at http://www.ffv8.com - Brad manufactures period correct vintage Board-Track style motorcycle engines. If you want something that is period correct for your 1920's board track bike
Marshall Joyner - Hours of conversations about Nikola Tesla, Old patents, and bouncing product and design ideas off of each other back and forth. I can't thank you enough for always being there, even letting me crash on the couch. You my boy blue!
Thomas Sollars - Even though we've only crossed paths a handful of years ago, being able to run ideas past you and get your thoughts on something I'm working on is appreciated more than you know. Makers have to stick together, we all want everyone to win and to succeed!
Homer Warren - For putting this crazy idea in my head and making a run of it, I couldn't ask for a better partner. A year later it's time to change how an industry works with our patent pending formable innovation.
Dr. Ian Clelland - 14 years later and we're still communicating from the days of me attending the College of Business at Radford University. I look forward to many more visits on the campus and talking to current students enrolled in your course(s)!
Jim McAden - I can't thank you and your family for the hospitality over the years and your guidance that you have given me. Your family is very near and dear to me and always will be.
Again, this isn't a complete list of everyone, I didn't mean to leave anyone out. Everyone else that has been there for me...this one is for you!
Never forget where you came from. Never forget to give thanks and show appreciation. Always stay humble and kind...but at the end of the day simply out class everyone.